Discover behind the scenes at Saumur"s prestigious riding academy. A unique place in France where horses rule...
The Puy du Fou, situated just 65 km from the hotel, is an historical theme park that will take you back in time.
Discover how to treat yourself using plants and over a hundred plant species. A visit to awaken your senses.
Make the most of your stay at the hotel-restaurant and re-trace the Vendée's wars on foot or by bike.
The Loire has the place of honour to the delight of fishermen of wild fish.
Drink in the history of wine, an art not to be missed in the region of Anjou.
Less than an hour from your hotel, Angers boasts many hidden treasures and a rich medieval heritage.
Why not visit the museum of local history and Vendée war sites in the Sacré Coeur's 13th century chapel, situated a stone's throw from the hotel.
Tel : 02 41 72 50 19Fx : 02 41 72 54 38